Tuesday 14 June 2011

Linkages to Fetac Course

There are a number of Fetac Courses which deal with the subject area of communications. Level 3 and Level 4 would relate to Post Primary Standard. Level 5 and Level 6 are further education level.  Below is a list of links which will outline the modules within the courses:

Communications - Level 3

Communications - Level 4

Communications - Level 5 

Communications - Level 6

Office Communication Skills

Total Communication


lifestyle acronyms game (social demographics, creativity and invention, lifestyle types and choices, compact communications, generational theory)

For groups of any size. Split into pairs, threes, or work teams and review as appropriate, or run the activity as a quick ice-breaker.
Instruction to the group:
Acronyms are powerful in communicating a lot of information very succinctly, and also in illustrating this principle, which relates to generational issues in management and life.
We have probably all heard of amusing lifestyle aconyms such as DINKY (Double Income, No Kids Yet); GOFER (Genial Old Farts Enjoying Retirement); ORCHID (One Recent Child, Heavily In Debt); and the more formal term NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training).
What acronym can you devise (or suggest one you know already) that is particularly appropriate for modern times?
Where groups devise their own acronyms you may optionally award a point for each letter in the acronym and bonus points for:
  • true acronyms (which either seem like a word or make a real word, using the first letter from each word in the full expression)
  • a meaningful 'bacronym' (in which the word spelled by the acronym relates cleverly to the expression)
You can alternatively/additionally ask the group to devise new portmanteau words, which by itself would enable a quicker activity.
Review/discuss results as appropriate for your situation.
Optional equipment - dictionary and thesaurus.